‘I was lucky to get to know Drew through music’

Shaliz Barzani

I was lucky to get to know Drew through music. I remember that, almost every Jazz band rehearsal, Dr. Shotsberger would say, “Hey, where are Drew and Larry?” and moments later they’d both stroll in with a Rat to-go box in one hand, their instruments in another, and Chacos on Drew’s feet — even in the winter. They always strolled in, casually 10 minutes late, together.
I have so many videos on my phone from our rehearsals or performances that show Drew for just brief moments. In every moment that he is not playing the trombone, he is smiling. I remember Drew’s smile to be contagious, the kind that made us smile even from the other side of the room during rehearsals and shows.
Whenever Drew and I crossed paths around campus, him in his vintage maroon sweater, he was always surrounded by friends. Whether on the third floor of the library carrying books or taking the elevator late at night, in the Curb music studio, or getting food, he would make sure to say hi, with a smile. I remember admiring how he was always around the same group of friends, and always thought to myself how close and lucky that friend-group was.
I will forever be thankful to have gotten to make music with Drew and to have known him.