‘Truth is our master’: a note from Alice Berry, The Sou’wester’s new editor

Truth is our master: a note from Alice Berry, The Souwesters new editor

Alice Berry '21, Editor-in-Chief

When I accepted the position of editor-in-chief of The Sou’wester, I knew that I would follow editors Zoe Laulederkind ’18 and Jordan Hulseberg ’19, who strove to elevate the paper and provide serious student journalism. I am grateful for their service and example and hope to build on the standards they sought to achieve.

The mission of The Sou’wester is to inform the university community by reporting campus news accurately and fairly. That news will generally be good, because Rhodes is a special campus, full of engaged students, faculty and staff, as well as able and dedicated administrators. Our juniors and seniors and their leaders have already helped make Rhodes a better place.

Of course, not all news is happy, and it will be our duty to report unhappy news, too. We will do so, responsibly and unflinchingly, trusting readers to understand that that is how the newspaper contributes to the progress of the College. Truth is our master, and it is no accident that that truth is the first word in Rhodes’s motto.

I hope to continue to build and improve our relationship with the campus community. We do, after all, need your interest and support in order to fulfill our duty.

To that end, we invite your submissions and responses to our coverage. We look forward to working with you for our individual and collective improvement and success.